

Classical Strings: 大提琴


马里恩费尔德曼 is recognized as one of today’s leading performers 和 pedagogues of cello 和 chamber music. She is a member of the artist faculty at New York University, Steinhardt School Department of Music 和 Performing Arts Professions, where she teaches cello 和 chamber music. 除此之外, she has been on the cello 和 chamber music faculty of Manhattan School of Music, College 和 Preparatory Divisions, since 1974 和 the CUNY Brooklyn College Conservatory of Music since 1972. She also is a member of the faculty at the City University Graduate Center. Miss Feldman received her training as a scholarship student at The Juilliard School, where she studied with her mentor, 路易吉席尔瓦. Additional studies were with Leonard Rose, Bernard Greenhouse, 和 Zara Nelsova. Chamber music tutelage was with the members of the Juilliard String Quartet, 威廉樱草, 阿图尔香脂, 路易斯·伯辛格, 和汉斯·莱茨.

晚些时候, she attended the Accademia Chigiana in Siena, ltaly, for summer courses with Andre Navarra. 下面这个, she coached with Marion Davies, a student of the famous Emanuel Feuermann, gaining musical 和 technical insight into his highly regarded approach to music-making 和 cello playing. Miss Feldman has appeared extensively throughout the United States 和 the Far East as orchestral soloist, recitalist, 室内乐音乐家. Included among her many engagements have been numerous recitals at Carnegie Recital Hall (Weill), Tully Hall (Lincoln Center), 和 Merkin Hall in New York City. She has been invited to many festivals in the Far East, among them those in Taiwan, 韩国, 及中国内地. In 1992 和 in 2001, she participated in government-sponsored tours of Taiwan. 除此之外, in 2001 she appeared in concert in Taipei giving master classes sponsored by the Quanta Education Foundation 和 the Taipei American School. This led to a collaboration for concerts at the National Concert Hall in Taipei, 和 master classes with members of the Ars Trio Taipei. From 1993 to the present, she has appeared at many festivals in 韩国. These include the Seoul Music Festival, Cheju-Halla Festival, 和 the Kangneung-Manhattan Festival.

She was invited to be a visiting professor for the spring festival at the Soong-Sil University in Seoul, where she gave a series of master classes. During the last three summers she has taught 和 performed at the Dae-Jin University Festival in Seoul, 韩国. Ms. Feldman was invited by the government of Mainl和 China to give master classes 和 a recital at the Shanghai Conservatory 和 the Central Conservatory in Beijing. 马里恩费尔德曼 is presently a member of the chamber group Metamorphosis, a piano quartet that is comprised of NYU faculty members.

She was for ten years a member of the New York Lyric Arts Trio. The group not only toured the United States but also founded the Downeast Chamber Music Center in Castine, 缅因州. The Center ran both a summer school 和 a chamber series which featured the trio. 晚些时候, she joined the New Manhattan Trio with the late Erick Friedman, 小提琴家, 和约瑟夫·席格, 钢琴家. She has also been a member of the Lorenzo Trio 和 the Aureus Ensemble. “She cultivates an unusually large, 共振的语气, 和 relies on a bowing technique that is constantly secure 和 poised” (纽约时报). “The Shostakovich Sonata, which covers an especially wide range of musical gestures, was particularly well realized with all of its diversity of expression carefully considered 和 convincingly unified. Miss Feldman caught the tender. capricious nature of the Beethoven most effectively, while the Chopin Sonata was phrased with real aristocratic elegance” (纽约时报). “Ms. Feldman is a strong 和 solid musician . . . a cellist of supreme accomplishment. She is an artist of the first water, a warm communicative musician, a master of her instrument 和 a seasoned veteran of the concert stage. These are all qualities she holds in abundance.”

Manhattan School of Music faculty since 1982

Manhattan School of Music Precollege faculty since 1974.


