
Heasook Rhee

College Faculty:

College Faculty:

音乐学士学位; magna cum laude首尔大学

Felix Galimir, Menahem Pressler(室内乐)

小提琴家伊夫里·吉里斯, Ilya Grubert, Mitchell Stern, and Peter Zazofsky; cellists Jiri Barta, Marcio Carneiro, Charles Curtis, Karine Georgian, Ralph Kirshbaum, Samuel Mayes, Nathaniel Rosen, Jeffrey Solow, Jian Wang, and Tilmann Wick; flutist Julius Baker; saxophonist Harvey Pittel; and singers Simon Estes, Nicolai Gedda, Hans Choi, and Youngok Shin

在卡内基音乐厅的斯特恩礼堂和威尔独奏厅演出, Alice Tully Hall, 默金音乐厅, New York; Phillips Collection, Washington, D.C.; Rackham Auditorium, Ann Arbor; Schauspielhaus, Berlin; Alte Oper, Frankfurt; Beethovenhaus, Bonn; Residenz, Munich; Regensburg; Dortmund; Hannover; Baden-Baden; St. 约翰·史密斯广场, London; Dublin Salle Gaveau, Paris; Tonhalle, Zurich; Brussels; Italy; Norway; Morocco; Algeria; Tunisia; New Zealand; Australia; Hong Kong; Korea; Central America; Canada

柏林国际艺术节, Weilburg节日, Germany; Quincena Musical Festival, San Sebastián, Spain; Festival Musical, Cuernavaca, Mexico; Great Mountain Festival (2011); American Cello Congress (1984 and 1990), Tempe, Arizona; Piatigorsky Seminars (1984–93), Los Angeles

NDR, SDR, BR, SR, SWF (Germany); DRS (Zurich); WGBH (Boston); WNYC (New York); WGTS (Washington, D.C.)

1948年大提琴奏鸣曲:卡特、普伦克、米亚斯科夫斯基、 Tilmann Wick, cello; Heasook Rhee, piano (MD+G, Germany; distributed by Koch International)

乐器伴奏的艺术 (2012, Carl Fischer), 中文译本(2015), 北京中央音乐学院出版社, 韩文翻译(2016), Jieum Publisher)

Master Classes
Boston University; Curtis Institute; Indiana University; the Juilliard School; University of Houston; Beijing Central Conservatory, 上海音乐学院, Shenyang Conservatory in China; National Taiwan Normal University, 台南大学, Tunghai University in Taiwan; KNUA首尔大学, 延世大学, 以及韩国众多的大学

Summer Courses
Marktoberdorf, Germany; Courchevel, France; Burg Feistritz, Austria; The Castleman Quartet Program, Fredonia, New York; and the Icicle Creek Summer Academy, Leavenworth, Washington

Received the 3rd prize at the 2018 Salieri-Zinetti International Chamber Music; the top prizes of the 2016 VIVO International Music Competition; the 2015 Plovdiv International Chamber Music Competition; the Collaborative Artist 2015 Liszt-Garrison International Piano Competition; the 2010 Vittorio Gui Chamber Music Competition, Florence, Italy; the 1996 Yellow Spring Chamber Music Competition; the 2006–08 and 2010–15 Artur Balsam Duo Competitions

Appointed to teaching and staff positions at 上海音乐学院; Indiana University Bloomington, Rice University, Montclair State, Oberlin, and New York University; and Korean National University of Arts, 延世大学, 以及韩国梨花大学

自1998年以来,她一直是火博体育(Manhattan School of Music)的教员. 李承晚曾在德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校和德特莫德音乐学院任教.

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